Transformers - Transformer Series

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2023 Transformers
Transformer Publication Instructor Series

Stallcup's Transformer Publication is a definitive guide dedicated to the intricate world of electrical transformers. Authored by renowned industry experts, this publication offers a thorough exploration of transformer theory, design, installation, and maintenance. It delves into critical aspects such as selecting the right transformer, understanding voltage regulation, and ensuring compliance with national electrical codes and standards. Aimed at electricians, engineers, and industry professionals, Stallcup's Transformer Publication provides invaluable insights through clear explanations, detailed diagrams, and practical examples. This comprehensive resource is essential for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of transformers and enhance their ability to work with these vital components in electrical systems.

Full Completed Publications

There are many options to choose from in a interactive digital pdf format.

Engaging and Effective Text

Full body text, step-by-step calculations, notes, for example, tips, and so much more.

Interactive Table of Contents

Interactivity at the highest level. Quick access to chapters and topics.

New Graphics

All new 2023 publications have been upgraded with new graphics.

Colored Illustrations

The new graphics have been colored and are visually stunning.

Illustration Overload

Illustrations with step-by-step calculations, NEC and NFPA standard loops, and so much more.

Publications and presentations

Instructors use both to help students retain the pertinent information being presented.

Engaging and effective presentations

New graphics and illustrations developed to capture the students attention and visually stunning.

Interactive presentations

Interactivity at the highest level. Quick access to chapters and topics.

Online Electrical Publications and Courses

2023 Transformer Publication - Transformer Series
Table of Contents - Extensive Coverage

Transformer Theory

Transformer principles
Single-phase output
Wye-connected secondaries
Delta-connected transformers
Balancing loads on transformer windings
Derating for high altitude

Installing Transformers

Ventilation of Transformers
Accessibility of Transformers
Disconnecting Means
Dry-Type Transformers Installed Indoors
Dry-Type Transformers Installed Outdoors
Less-Flammable Liquid-Insulated Transformers
Non-Flammable Fluid-Insulated Transformers
Askarel-Insulated Transformers Installed Indoors
Oil-Insulated Transformers Installed Indoors
Oil-Insulated Transformers Installed Outdoors
Modification of Transformers

Transformer Vaults

Walls, Roofs, and Floors
Ventilation Openings
Water Pipes and Accessories
Storage in Vaults

Sizing Transformers and Connections

Sizing Wye-Connected Secondaries
Sizing Closed Delta-Connected Secondaries
Sizing Open Delta-Connected Secondaries
Sizing Autotransformers
Sizing Connections From the Secondary of Transformers
Supervised Industrial Installations - Feeder and Branch-Circuit Conductors

Protecting Transformers

Calculating Primary and Secondary Current
Finding Amperage
Calculating Fault Currents
Overcurrent Protection
Protecting Transformers
Overcurrent Protection - Primary Only Over 1000 Volts
Overcurrent Protection - Primary and Secondary Over 1000 Volts
Overcurrent Protection - Supervised Locations
Overcurrent Protection - Non-Supervised Locations
Overcurrent Protection - Primary Only 1000 Volts or Less
Overcurrent Protection - Primary 9 Amps or More
Overcurrent Protection - Primary 2 Amps or More But Less Then 9 Amps
Overcurrent Protection - Primary Less Than 2 Amps
Overcurrent Protection - Primary and Secondary 1000 Volts or Less
Calculating Overcurrent Protection Devices for Autotransformers Grounding Autotransformers

Secondary Ties

Tie Circuits
Radial Supply Systems
Loop Supply Systems
Bus-Tie Loops
Bus-Tie Conductors
Bus-Tie Protection
Network Power Systems

Windings and Components

Testing Windings
Testing for Polarity
Polarity Connections and Identifying Terminals
Testing Voltage of Windings
Identifying and Connecting Windings
Separately Derived AC Systems
Troubleshooting Transformer Windings