Protecting Transformers - Transformer Series

2023 Protecting Transformers
Transformer Publication Series

Stallcup's "Protecting Transformers" is a crucial publication for electrical safety and engineering. This comprehensive guide focuses on the protection of transformers, a vital component in electrical power systems, from potential hazards and operational failures. The book addresses key topics such as protective devices, fault analysis, safety standards, and regulatory compliance. It offers practical advice and strategies for safeguarding transformers against overcurrent, thermal, and environmental stresses. Targeted at electrical engineers, technicians, safety inspectors, and electrical contractors, Stallcup's "Protecting Transformers" is an essential resource for ensuring the longevity, reliability, and safety of transformer installations in various applications.
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Number of interactive pages in this publication


Number of interactive topics covered in this publication


Number of illustrations in this publication


Number of interactive chapters in presentation

Some benefits in this publication

A complete publication covering transformers

Fully Interactive

Learners can benefit with quick access to chapters and specific topics in each chapter.

New Colored Illustrations

Fully colored illustrations with step-by-step calculations, NEC and Standard loops, etc.

Instructor's only

Presentations designed to be fully interactive with quick access to chapters and topics.
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