Generators - Generator Series

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2023 Generators
Generator Publication Series

Stallcup's Generator Publication is an authoritative resource designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical insights into the world of electrical generators. Authored by industry experts, this publication covers a comprehensive range of topics, including generator selection, installation, maintenance, and compliance with electrical codes and standards. It serves as an essential guide for electricians, engineers, and professionals involved in the design, operation, and upkeep of generator systems. With clear explanations, detailed diagrams, and real-world examples, Stallcup's Generator Publication equips readers with the expertise needed to ensure the safe, efficient, and reliable use of generators in various applications.

Full Completed Publications

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Engaging and Effective Text

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Interactive Table of Contents

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New Graphics

All new 2023 publications have been upgraded with new graphics.

Colored Illustrations

The new graphics have been colored and are visually stunning.

Illustration Overload

Illustrations with step-by-step calculations, NEC and NFPA standard loops, and so much more.

Publications and presentations

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Engaging and effective presentations

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Interactive presentations

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2023 Generators Publication - Generator Series
Table of Contents - Extensive Coverage

Magnetism and Electromagnetism

Theory of Magnets
Magnetic Fields
Natural Magnets
Permanent Magnets
Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic Induction
Generator Action

Generator Principles

Basic Operation of Generators
Basic Operation of Direct-Current (DC) Generators
Armature Reaction
Generated Voltage
The Difference Between a Generator and Motor Typical Synchronous Generator
Generator Exciters
Typical Induction Generator
Types of Engines
Single-Phase Generators
Three-Phase Generators
Components of an AC Generator
Wye-Connected Systems
Delta-Connected Systems
Types of Rotors
Cooling Systems
Manual Synchronization of Generators
Automatic Synchronization of Generators

Generators and the National Electrical Code

Location of Generators
Nameplate Markings
Overcurrent Protection for Generators
Ampacity of Conductors From Generators
Protection of Live Parts
Guards for Attendants
Generator Terminal Housings
Disconnecting Means Required for Generators
Generators Supplying Multiple Loads
GFCI Protection for Receptacles on 15 kW or Smaller Portable Generators Portable Generators 15 kW or Less

Emergency System Generators

Generator Set
Purpose and Scope of Emergency Generators
Sizing Generators
Transfer Switch and Equipment
Wiring Identification
Wiring Systems
Feeder Wiring Protection
Feeder Circuit Equipment
Source Control Wiring

Legally Required and Optional Standby Generators

Legally Required Standby Systems
Purpose of Legally Required Standby System
Sizing Generators - Legally Required Standby Systems
Transfer Switches and Equipment - Legally Required Standby Systems Wiring Legally Required Standby Systems
Overcurrent Protection Devices - Accessibility
Grounding - Legally Required Standby Systems
Optional Standby Systems
Sizing Optional Standby Generators
Transfer Switches and Equipment - Optional Standby Systems
Wiring Optional Standby Systems
Portable Generator Grounding
Grounding of Permanently Installed Generators
Sign for Power Inlet

Generators Supplying Essential Loads for Hospitals

Life Safety Branch
Critical Branch
Equipment Branch
Transfer Switches
Optional Loads
Wiring Requirements Separation From Other Circuits
Isolation and Protection
Capacity of Systems
Sources of Power
Generator Grounding for 480 V to 1000 V systems
Generator Grounding of 1000 Volts or More
Separately Derived Systems
Permanently Installed Generators
Methods of Grounding
Solidly Grounded Generators
Resistance-Grounded Generators
Reactance-Grounded Generators
Portable Generators
Transfer Switch is not Provided